Workshop – Once Upon a Happily Ever After: Alternative Story Structures with Bruce Marcus

Home Events Workshop – Once Upon a Happily Ever After: Alternative Story Structures with Bruce Marcus
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Event Details

April 25, 2021 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm


Name: Cards

Sunday, April 25
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
via Zoom

Join Bruce Marcus for a workshop on alternative story structures. Rather than telling stories in the usual beginning, middle, climax and ending order, one can start by plunging listeners (or readers) right off into the climax, and then back up to the beginning and tell the tale. Or  we could interweave two or more parallel plots.

In the workshop Bruce will identify a number of alternative structures and give participants a chance to pick one and test drive it on a well-known fairy tale or other story of their choice. It can be a good exercise to get the creative juices flowing, shake things up a bit and look at stories in a new way.

Bruce Marcus is a storyteller from Boston, Massachusetts who has been regaling audiences throughout New England for three decades with his fresh-as-mint, original true-life and made-up stories, poems and songs.  Equally comfortable in rhyme and out, he is a story slam winner and seasoned emcee.  Bruce has been featured in many spoken word, coffeehouse, cable TV and other performing arts series, as well as at a number of festivals and on PBS World Channel’s Stories from the Stage. Called “My son!” by late storytelling legend Brother Blue – loudly, publicly, emphatically and often – Bruce serves as committee member, feature coordinator and frequent host for the long-running weekly Boston area storytelling series started in 1992 by Brother Blue and his wife Ruth Edmonds Hill, now known as The Story Space.

The price is $25.00 and the workshop will run 2 hours via Zoom.

To register please e-mail .
Payments can be sent via e-transfer to using the password: Story, or by cheque to the St. John’s Storytelling Festival, PO Box 23084 Churchill Square, St. John’s, NL, A1B4J9.